Justine Tierolff
Let's work together
Alchemy sessions
Back onto your truest path

In this session we dive into the question, issue or situation that you would like more clarity about. This question can be purpose related, relationship or love-life related, or business related. Any question is welcome.
My connection to your Soul can’t happen without your Soul’s approval, sometimes this needs some attention first. The exciting part about tapping into the Soul is that we get to skip the noise. Because the highest path is clear to the Soul. You get to be you, in any situation. And that’s what we work towards in an Alchemy session. Who are you? What is meant for you? What’s keeping you from this? What do you need to do or practice? All that is unnecessary for you on your path is meant to fall away step by step. I’m here to speak to your innate Knowing and bring that forward into your consciousness. We work with the energy at hand, so what comes up can’t ever be planned and is welcome, in a sometimes unexpected way.

Be welcome!

30 minute session investment: €50,-, location Zoom
Book your 30 minute session here

60 minute session investment: €100,-, location Zoom or in-person
Book your 60 minute session here

Any questions? Feel free to send me an e-mail or text through button on the right

“Subtle, but with strength and precision, Justine was able to help make layers of my own energy visible, but in a practical way. After letting her work sink in, I can say with certainty that her approach is respectful, multidimensional and deep. Her subtle input still echos back to me. I am very grateful.”  M.L.

Spiritual alchemy

Spiritual alchemy in a nutshell: we take what we’ve got right now, and turn it into something better. Mud into gold, pain into bliss. ‘Alchemy’ intends to speed up the transformation process. Without it being a shortcut. The law of nature will bring us whatever we need on this road, just because that’s what we intended by making a conscious choice. A choice to live differently, to play a meaningful part in this world or to simply shed old shit and be happy and fulfilled. This choice comes with a certain devotion towards that goal. We intentionally start a journey, a road towards transformation. The Universe (God, Great Spirit, the Mystery) will do the rest.
