Justine Tierolff
Things do transform, and so can you

We often mention that we’re students of life, that it’s a lifelong learning and that when we’ve dealt with one difficult thing the next will appear, and so on. There’s truth in that, and I feel humble to say that I will always be open to widening my perspective. But, what I often hear in these statements and words is a fundamental lack of trust in life, in what’s possible. There’s something in there that enables us to keep suffering, to stay on the safe, sleepy side and to rest in the idea that we don’t have to flourish and that it’s normal for life to be hard. I’m here to say that there’s a different way of looking at it. And that frankly, anything is possible. Constantly. For all of us. Things can change, alchemise, turn upside down and transform in a way we’ve never thought possible. The hard and heavy times are in no way a prediction of our future. Unless we choose them to be. Once we choose differently we can look forward to true transformation.

Be welcome!

EN “Thank you for this very pure reading. Very beautiful and very true. What you’ve told me is exactly how it feels. And the way you’ve said it was beautiful and gentle, and because of that my heart also opened. I can feel it resonating […] very accurate. Just wonderful. I will listen to it again and think about it. I’m very happy with it. You have a beautiful talent there. Very pure.” – N

NL “Dank je wel voor deze hele pure afstemming. Heel mooi, en heel waar. Wat je gezegd hebt is helemaal precies zoals het aanvoelt. En je hebt het ook heel mooi en zacht gezegd, en daardoor opent mijn hart zich ook. Ik voel echt het resoneren helemaal […] heel accuraat. Echt fantastisch. Ik ga er nog een keer naar luisteren en erover nadenken. Ik ben er heel blij mee. Je hebt een heel mooi talent daar. Heel zuiver.” – N

My name is Justine Tierolff

I’m a transformation guide & psychic reader. I’m here to help people, men and women, see through what’s in their way, to lift up the veil, to broaden their perspectives and to take them to higher dimensions of consciousness.

My offerings

Alchemy Session

These are online Soul(s) reading sessions, diving into your question at hand. What does your Soul say? What is the truth here? We bring your Knowing and essence back into your consciousness so you can align with it and Know your way forward. Choose a 30 or 60 minute session and be welcome!

Book your date and time for 30 minute session
Book your date and time for 60 minute session

…or read more here

(Solo) Ceremony

Please contact me for custom possibilities through the green button on the right.


“This is exactly what I didn’t know I needed. Justine tuned in after a short voice message from my side and I was blown away by the accuracy of what she told me. She put into words how I have felt for a long time. I felt so heard and seen. This relationship reading brought so much clarity. Thank you.” – B

“It is so striking.. yes, my life is very safe, yes I’m am home a lot.. yes, I do everything the safe way, yes I’m quite traditional.. And yes I’ve actually just experienced meeting someone outside of my comfortzone […] I just needed to tell you, because you’ve felt it so accurately! And I’ve got to say, you have such a nice voice to listen to, I could’ve kept on listening. Thank you!” – C

“Dank je wel voor deze hele pure afstemming. Heel mooi, en heel waar. Wat je gezegd hebt is helemaal precies zoals het aanvoelt. En je hebt het ook heel mooi en zacht gezegd, en daardoor opent mijn hart zich ook. Ik voel echt het resoneren helemaal […] heel accuraat. Echt fantastisch. Ik ga er nog een keer naar luisteren en erover nadenken. Ik ben er heel blij mee. Je hebt een heel mooi talent daar, heel zuiver.” – N
